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Small Crane On Site | October 6, 2018

Dear Neighbors,

Please be advised that on Saturday, October 6, a small crane (called a “cherry picker”) will arrive onsite along 16th Street for a brief lifting operation to place two pieces of mechanical equipment on the roof of the Townhouse buildings. Our construction managers advise us that the permitted hours of operation for the lift will be 9 AM to 3 PM, but that the lift is not expected to take the full time allocated. While the lift is underway the north lane of 16th Street will remain open for vehicular traffic, as will the sidewalks. The south parking lane and middle driving lane will be temporarily closed from Third Avenue to the hoist structure while the cherry picker is on site, with moveable barricades placed on the street to direct traffic. Flag persons will be present at all times while the operation is underway.

This work is related to the ongoing process of enclosing the Townhouse buildings. Work on the Townhouse buildings has proceeded well over the summer months, and construction over the next six weeks will continue to rebuild the structural foundations of the renovated townhouse buildings to permit the commencement of brick-work enclosure in late September. Brick enclosure, likely to be a two to three month process, will begin with the façade and then move to the other faces of the buildings. We are targeting complete enclosure of the Townhouses before the end of the year at which point the remaining 10-12 months of the project will consist largely of interior work to build out the new classroom spaces.

As always, please do not hesitate to be in touch with any questions.


Friends Seminary

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Design: Kliment Halsband Architects

Construction: Tishman Construction


Design: James Turrell

Site Assembly and Installation: Taurino Management

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